Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Another Song

“I want to run, it’s my nature to run, and I want to fight, it’s my nature to fight, and I want to live but You tell me to die. I have resolved that I’m much better off in Your hands then mine…
I want a crumb, but You are a feast. I want a song, but You are my symphony, I want a star, but You are a galaxy. And I have resolved that I’m much better off in what You have for me. 
–Bebo Norman, exerpts from his song “The Only Hope”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Lady. That's a lot deeper than that song in my head yesterday. I told the dentist, "My song for the day was,'I want a mansion, a harp, and a crown.' Guess the first two will have to wait."