Thursday, February 23, 2012

Beijing, China

 My friend Michaela introduced me to Emily through e-mail, and I was able to spend 2 days with Emily in Beijing, and went with her to see The Great Wall.
 It's kind of like taking a picture of the Grand Canyon- it really doesn't do it justice.
 While we were touring at The Wall and at a tomb, we met an Australian named Emma and spent most of the day together. The upside of going to touristy spots is that it is an opportunity to meet people from all over the world.
 Proof that I was at the wall. :)

 The Bird's Nest built for the 2008 Olympics!
 Street food. This is a biscuit with an egg in the middle. Not a bad breakfast for lunch on the go!
 The Forbidden City
 These girls invited me to a feast at their apartment. The menu was tofu wrapped pork, mushroom chicken soup and cowboys and indians served Chinese style.

 This is Andy, another one of Michaela's friends. He took me ice skating and to some famous shopping district that I don't know the name of. Beijing's Drum and Bell Tower are in the background.
 Every country has its polar bears. Yes, that's ice by the side of the lake.

1 comment:

Marla Jarmer said...

You are lucky that Anthony hasn't commented on that subway sign, yet! What wonderful pictures and memories you have from the trip! I am always amazed, and inspired, by your ability to find yourself in the most beautiful and interesting places throughout the world. You're sort of like the Travelocity gnome...:)