Sunday, August 24, 2008

Robots, Sweet Bats and Fights with Kites

I am back in the U.S. of A. One of the benefits of being home again is that I have more of an opportunity to catch up on cinematic entertainment. Now, I realize that to be a proper movie critic, you need (at least!) a Top Ten list of movies that you are critiquing, and two thumbs. I have two thumbs, but I only have a list of 3 movies. Maybe that will qualify me as...a... blogger who watches movies sometimes.

Wall-e: A brilliant movie put out by Pixar, creatively constructed, and a reminder that EVEN robots like to hold hands [insert shoulder shrug here]. A clear green message behind it (which isn't bad to dwell on for a bit), and a touching scene where many obese people, along with their mega slushies, are jostled to one side of a spaceship. I give it: Two thumbs and a pinkie.

Batman: The Black Knight: Stunning performance by Heath Ledger as the joker; I was effectively weirded out! After watching the movie, and as I was headed down the hall of the theatre, I felt like I received a week's dosage of mass chaos through osmosis. The fighting was also at a consistent level through most of the flick- I wouldn't have minded a few lighter moments so that I could catch my breath, but overall it met my high expectations for the Batman series, and it gets a 9.43672 on my rating scale.

The Kite Runner: An ideal movie if you need to cry, and don't have a good reason to do so. It is raw; contains a redemptive storyline, and isn't afraid to deal with hard topics. It encapsulates a strong message about loyalty, courage, and overall it is a poignant "think movie." Contains a fast forward scene, but I stil give it: three popcorns and a coke.


In the Mix said...

I need you here for a while so that Daniel has someone that can readily go to the movies with him. I'd like to have you here for a while for reasons like it would be great to spend some time with you too. ;)

Unknown said...

What a lush commentary! I just realized that I have been missing out on months of Heatherness :(
because I realized I hadn't added you to my blog reader yet :o

But now I have :)

I never thought I was an emoticon kind of girl until today.