Monday, May 3, 2010

Painting Without Numbers

I've been painting lately. Here is a picture of my latest 30"x40" project. It's not finished yet, but I think I've reached the Staring Stage, where I can look at it from various angles and tweak it as I see fit. Any suggestions are welcome (up until Thursday, and then it is too late... Duhn! Duhn! Duhhh!).


Anonymous said...

I'm the non-artsy one here, so I have no advice. It looks great, though! Where is it supposed to be?

Hammy said...

It's supposed to be on the Yulong River in China, but I dunno... it could be anywhere... it could be my backyard. :)

Rachel said...

Me likey.

Anonymous said...

The colors are powerful pretty on those waters.
As for improvement, the Spanish teachers and I think it could be improved if the lamp the man is holding shines just a bit more brightly, not blinding the poor man, but perhaps hitting the waters and the logs beneath it.
Also, we decided that the rock on which the bridge thing is sitting is vague still.
Is it evening? If so, is that the correct color for the sky in china at precisely 6:25 pm?
But all of those are changes that may not matter. Its pretty finished for not being finished yet!

Hammy said...

Thanks for the critique! I ended up changing the sky and lantern light quite a bit.