Monday, November 1, 2010

The Song of The Redeemed

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have an operatically trained voice. Perhaps you are rolling your eyes right now because you do not particularly care for opera, but picture a voice, YOUR voice, if it could reach earth shattering heights, and depths that would rearrange the bowels of the most sour-faced puddleglum out there. A voice that could NOT sing haphazard karaoke or that could ONLY just manage to squeak out a decent tune every now and again. But a voice that could make the simplest of melodies linger sweetly in the air. A voice that was malleable in your lungs, like clay that could be shaped into whatever you wished, presenting the harmonies in your head on a silver platter. And with garnish at that! And think what it would be like to have ears that matched the voice. Ears that could hear better, more intricate harmonies and that could weave them into complex tapestries with other ethereal voices.

I am hoping my heavenly voice and ears will have that capability someday.

To take this in a slightly different direction, these following verses are of interest to me:

Rev 14:3-5 TLB

3 This tremendous choir-144,000 strong-sang a wonderful new song in front of the throne of God and before the four Living Beings and the twenty-four Elders; and no one could sing this song except those 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. 4 For they are spiritually undefiled, pure as virgins, following the Lamb wherever he goes. They have been purchased from among the men on the earth as a consecrated offering to God and the Lamb. 5 No falsehood can be charged against them; they are blameless.

When you think about it, this special choir has some serious competition in heaven, but not even Seraphs will be able to pick up this tune and hum along. It is either off limits to the angels, or maybe they just won’t be able to muster up enough soul to do it justice. It is the song of the redeemed. It makes me wonder what will make this new song so very special. Is it the singers themselves, or is it the song writing behind it? It could just simply be the song writer Himself. Actually I think that will be a big part of what makes it so marvelous. That choir will be singing about redemption from a clear perspective. Not as slaves freshly bought off the market, who treat their master with disdain. The disdain coming from the unarticulated belief that he paid too little for them, not really fathoming the full price of the purchase. And the song won’t come from the lips of slaves who think he paid too much for them. Slaves who do not let it sink in that they are actually worth something now that they are in the possession of the new master. But the song will be uttered from the lips of blood-bought overcomers who finally understand with a clear perspective the astonishing proceedings behind their purchase.

It’s going to be a different show altogether, this upcoming celestial event- new eyes; new ears; beautiful new voices. Aged Instruments that have been through the ringer, and survived. And more than just survived! The individual voices making up the choir are going to make the likes of Sarah Brightman sound like the older version of Janis Joplin in comparison. It's going to be fantastic. Not a spectacle you want to miss!

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