Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Sun Runs Its Course

Last week I witnessed a stunning sunset from my perch on a hill overlooking Benone, Northern Ireland. I think sunsets are proof of God's loving-kindness. I mean, He could have made darkness come to us at night like He flipped off a light switch, but He didn't. Instead He gives us fair warning everyday that is's going to get dark. And He could have chose to make the sun dim down like one of those chandelier living room lights, you know the one with the roundy kind of knob on the wall, but again, He didn't. Instead, He usually accompanies the sunset with radiance of color, phenomenal clouds, astounding variations of shade, and the shifting of shadow. I suppose He could have also reserved sunsets for the days when we really pleased Him, where we gave our 100% for Him and sacrificially and altruistically gave of ourselves to others, but He didn't do that either. He provides sunsets on the days that we failed Him, played the harlot and forgot Him, over-stuffed our egos, and revealed the miniscule quantity of love that we actually possess. He gives us sunsets everyday. He is a kind God. He loves us.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

wow Heather, great reflections- Yes what a kind and loving God we have!